Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Some Sad News...(Or is it??)

LightPurple- McKenna
Hi guys. Today, I bring sad news- mom had to cancel Beauty is on the Inside, not the Out for now..... BEACAUSE she is making a brand-new Christmas themed stopmotion!!!!!!! It is called- Needing a Little Bit of Christmas Spirt. Isn't that exciting!!!!!!! Also, we are having a Q and A!!! I also have a very specail surprise for those of you on dollstgram- I got one! My user- AGMcKenna94. It is where you can  on there! It is where you can get the lastest news, sneak peeks, doll pictures, and when I post new things! So go check it out now!
So, if you want us to answer YOUR question, ask below! (Please don't ask personal questions.)
McKenna and the Crew!

1 comment:

  1. Aw no stopmotion :(
    BUT YAY A NEW STOPMOTION! YAY YAY YAYYYY!!!!! *dies of a 100 percent pure awesomeness overload*


Please ALWAYS be nice when commenting. If you don't, I will put it in moderation and I don't want to do that. Rules- 1.PLEASE do NOT comment OMG on my blog. It is just a personal thing. 2.Please NO spaming. Things like rhghtrjrt is spaming. 3. If you are going to post an anonymous user, please sign your name. If you can't say your name, use your internet name or Anonymous A. or anything! I don't want everyone to be anonymous! 4. Do NOT post anything mean on my blog. I do have a right to delete any comments that are rude or disrespectful.