Friday, December 13, 2013

Sorry! (And a few updates!!!

Light Purple- McKenna
Hi guys! I'm so sorry about not posting lately! we have been super busy! (Mom is getting ready for Christmas, she started a musical by singing the first line of O Come, All Ye Faithful, preparing for a winter concert where she is playing the oboe and singing, has church choir, youth group, schoolwork, and tests. But I PROMISE that a week or two after Christmas I will start my weekly "Suburb Saturday" posts, and so on. she has also been working on the Christmas movie, is running 2 Instagrams (one's private), a youtube (Yes, she has one- AGMcKenna94), moderating 3 MBs, is on around 7 or 8, running her own, and is really busy! I promise we will be back soon! For now, let me just tell you some new doll-themed things-
She is asking for some ag stuff for X-Mas,
has done many photoshoots with Summer,
is saving up for a new doll! (WHO IS IT?????)
working on Christmas movie
doing random hairstyles on us
and so much more!
we are so excited to announce that...........
we MIGHT be having a giveaway!!!!!!!!!! The prize will be.........................................
a signed picture by human,
the copy of "Needing a Little Bit of Christmas Sprit that she used when she made the movie!
YAY! But remember, this MAY be happening if her mom let's her.....
SO, are you excited? Q + A is still going on! SO ask away! (NO personal questions, please.)
McKenna and the Crew!


  1. That's a lot. Just don't forget the reason for the season in all your busy ness. :) All will be well. Merry Christmas to all.

  2. WOW!!!! SO COOL! Wow you sure are busy! Guess what, I'm memorizing the first line of O Come all Ye Faithful too! and Hark the harold angels sing and rocking aroung the christmas tree (don't wanna capitalize any of that because i'm too lazy, lol) and then i got th elead role in a play *puts on sunglasses, looking legit 8)) so lol.
    Love ya so much - I understand your business! :D

    1. Hark, the Herald Angles Sing is my favorite Christmas hymn. The angels are heralding or announcing the new king. LOVE it.

  3. Is it you on G4J?! If so it's ME! AnonymousA!!
    -Anonymuos A.


Please ALWAYS be nice when commenting. If you don't, I will put it in moderation and I don't want to do that. Rules- 1.PLEASE do NOT comment OMG on my blog. It is just a personal thing. 2.Please NO spaming. Things like rhghtrjrt is spaming. 3. If you are going to post an anonymous user, please sign your name. If you can't say your name, use your internet name or Anonymous A. or anything! I don't want everyone to be anonymous! 4. Do NOT post anything mean on my blog. I do have a right to delete any comments that are rude or disrespectful.