Saturday, October 12, 2013

Suburb Saturday Post! (Twist!)

Aqua- Kanani.
HI people! Today, I will be showing what the dolls and I are getting McKenna for her birthday!
1. We are getting McKenna mini caroline! Along with a few outfits, too.
2. Rach is getting her a stroller for her baby sister, Kate.
3. Julie is getting her a bracelet.
4. I am getting her a crib for Kate and a painting set!!!
5. Human is getting her a new sister (hopefully) Summer! Human's birthday is coming up really soon, so hopefully she can get Summer (Saige)! So, if you think we should get her anything elses, tell me!
P.S. Mom is also giving her a customized mini doll that isn't ag. BYE!
Kanani and the Crew.


  1. my doll has a sister named kate too! a little sister! AND mini caroline! I know you'll love her!
    - Anonymous A.

  2. SO SORRY! i JUST read the commenting rules! Can I be Anonymous A? PLEASE? I am not allowed to put my name!
    - Anonymous A.

    1. Yes, you can. I forgot- If you can't say your real name, you can use Anonymous A. Or your internet name.

    2. Ok , thanks!
      - Anonymous A.

  3. If I can't say... that word, can I say Eeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
    - Anonymous A.


Please ALWAYS be nice when commenting. If you don't, I will put it in moderation and I don't want to do that. Rules- 1.PLEASE do NOT comment OMG on my blog. It is just a personal thing. 2.Please NO spaming. Things like rhghtrjrt is spaming. 3. If you are going to post an anonymous user, please sign your name. If you can't say your name, use your internet name or Anonymous A. or anything! I don't want everyone to be anonymous! 4. Do NOT post anything mean on my blog. I do have a right to delete any comments that are rude or disrespectful.